All 3 Natural Landscape Type targets are achieved in Wood Buffalo National Park.
Very small areas of 2 provincially protected areas are also in this Subregion.
This sub-region is well represented within the parks and
protected areas network.
All eight Natural Landscape Type targets have been achieved primarily in
Wood Buffalo National Park
and the northeast corner of Carbou Mountains Wildland Park.
The Dry Mixedwood Subregion is the only Boreal Forest Subregion
that does not have excellent representation in Alberta's parks system.
Only one of the 11 Natural Landscape Type targets has been achieved - protected slope.
All Natural Landscape Type themes have some level of representation.
There are still significant shortfalls in the glacial lakebed, ground moraine, sand plain,
dune field and valley floor/stream themes.
All five Natural Landscape Types that define this Subregion have
excellent representation within Caribou Mountains Wildland Park and
Wood Buffalo National Park.