The Firearm Discharge Permit is used in Alberta Parks in Provincial Parks and Provincial Recreation Areas as a tool to address, communicate and enforce public safety requirements where hunting is a permitted.
These areas tend to have campgrounds, are in close proximity to urban areas, have increased visitor traffic, and tend to have a higher population of recreational users than other areas that allow hunting, such as Wildland Provincial Parks, where Firearm Discharge Permits are not issued. The increases in these criteria create a higher need for safety vigilance from the hunter and enforcement perspective.
The Firearm Discharge Permit tool allows Alberta Parks to educate, raise awareness, and have enforceable terms and conditions that are individualized to each area to address the specific safety needs that have been highlighted by local enforcement staff.
Firearms discharge permits are required to hunt in the following Alberta Parks:
Before obtaining a firearms discharge permit, individuals must review an online hunter information package for the Alberta Parks location they intend to visit.
For more information on hunting in Alberta’s provincial parks and protected areas system, please refer to the Hunting page of