Location: 50 km east of Sherwood Park
Some areas under grazing lease with hunting and access restrictions
More information: 780-922-3293Learn about hunting in Alberta's parks system
*To be connected toll-free in Alberta, dial 310-0000 followed by the 10-digit phone number.
Classification | Natural Area |
Legislation | Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves, Natural Areas and Heritage Rangelands Act |
Park Size | 43,324.86 Acres / 17,533.57 Ha |
Legal Boundary | O.C. 451/99 |
Administration / Information | a |
Regional Office | Central Regional Office |
District | Camrose |
Special Designations |
Natural Region |
Parkland - Central Parkland |
Natural Region Description | This natural area is internationally recognized for its wetlands and diverse bird populations. More than 270 bird species have been reported, with 145 known to breed locally. Beaverhill Lake was designated a RAMSAR site (wetland of international significance) in 1987. Site visitors must: leave all gates as found; not harass cattle; and slow down & drive with caution when livestock are near (or crossing) roads. |
Land Use Framework Region | North Saskatchewan |