Dillberry Lake Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Information & Facilities

Information: 1-877-537-2757 Summer phone 780-858-6915
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

This oasis amongst the prairies offers beaches, trails and a clear, spring fed lake suitable for fishing, boating and paddling from May to September each year. Nestled amongst the sandy Reflex Hills formation on the Saskatchewan provincial boundary, the park includes a good network of multi-use trails that can be hiked or biked to explore the unique landscape and ecology of this special place. Dillberry Lake and many of the smaller lakes in the adjoining heritage rangelands are important habitats for migratory birds and are designated as Important Bird Areas. Nearby communities offer opportunities to explore regional cultural heritage and engaging community events.

Location: 75 km south of Lloydminster on Hwy. 17 (at Alberta-Saskatchewan border)

Advisories & Closures

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