Red Lodge Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Parks Research and Management

Information: 403-224-2547
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.


Park Management

Classification Provincial Park
Legislation Provincial Parks Act
Park Size 318.97 Acres / 129.08 Ha
Legal Boundary O.C. 605/88
Administration / Information 403-224-2547
Regional Office Central Regional Office
District Red Deer
Natural Region Boreal Forest - Dry Mixedwood
Natural Region Description

On this site on the shore of Little Red Deer River an English settler named Mr. Crichley had a craftsman build him a large log home. The logs were painted red, thus Red Lodge became the name of his ranch and later, the name of this park.

Land Use Framework Region Red Deer
Updated: Jul 5, 2017