Location: 55 km south of Stettler
Some areas under grazing lease with hunting and access restrictions
More information: 310-LAND (5263)Learn about hunting in Alberta's parks system
*To be connected toll-free in Alberta, dial 310-0000 followed by the 10-digit phone number.
Classification | Natural Area |
Legislation | Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves, Natural Areas and Heritage Rangelands Act |
Park Size | 36,872.24 Acres / 14,922.20 Ha |
Legal Boundary | O.C. 390/96 |
Administration / Information | albertaparks@gov.ab.ca |
Regional Office | Central Regional Office |
District | Wainwright |
Natural Region |
Grassland - Northern Fescue Parkland - Central Parkland |
Natural Region Description | Together with Rumsey Ecological Reserve, this natural area protects the largest remaining undisturbed tract of aspen parkland in Canada; hummocky morraine (knob and kettle) topography; in wet years, the kettles fill with water; resulting potholes become some of the most productive waterfowl habitat in North America. Rumsey protects plants, birds and mammals at both the southern and northern extents of their ranges. |
Land Use Framework Region | Red Deer |