Fishing licenses and Wildlife Identification Number (WIN) cards (required to purchase sportfishing licences) available online. Everyone between the ages of 16 and 65 years old must have an Alberta anglers license. Seniors residing outside of Alberta must also purchase an Alberta angling license
For your safety
Be prepared for weather changes, wild animals, equipment breakdowns and accidents
Use caution on ice! Never travel alone. Springs can cause ice to melt in unexpected places. According to the Canadian Red Cross, ice should be a minimum of 20 centimetres thick for group activities and a minimum of 25 centimetres thick for snowmobiles. Ice should be clear and solid in texture.
Switzer Park hosts an ice fishing derby in February as part of Hinton's annual Winter Magic Festival.
You can skate on any of the lakes in Switzer Park, conditions permitting. Try Kelley's Bathtub.
Use caution on ice! Never skate alone. Springs can cause ice to melt in unexpected places. According to the Canadian Red Cross, ice should be a minimum of 20 centimetres thick for group activities. Ice should be clear and solid in texture.
Snowshoeing is permitted only on trails that are not track-set for cross-country skiing. Try Friendly Vista Trail.
To book group and school programs with snowshoes, contact or phone 780-817-3797. (To be connected toll-free in Alberta, dial 310-0000 followed by the number.)