Bearberry Prairie Natural Area

Alberta Parks

Information & Facilities

Information: 403-678-0760
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Location: 15 km southwest of Sundre


Hunting in Bearberry Prairie Natural Area

This is a small parcel of land so hunters are reminded to consider the safety of other recreational users and the activities underway (such as frequent stopovers by geocaching enthusiasts and camping by river travelers). This island is surrounded by private land and accessible by boat. In addition to residences in the surrounding area, hunters are advised of the large industrial facility to the northwest.

More information: 403-678-5508

Learn about hunting in Alberta's parks system

*To be connected toll-free in Alberta, dial 310-0000 followed by the 10-digit phone number.

Park Management

Classification Natural Area
Legislation Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves, Natural Areas and Heritage Rangelands Act
Park Size 72.40 Acres / 29.30 Ha
Legal Boundary O.C. 454/71
Administration / Information 403-678-0760
Regional Office Kananaskis Regional Office
District Cochrane - Glenbow
Natural Region Boreal Forest - Dry Mixedwood
Natural Region Description

This site consists of braided river floodplain, part of the river embankment and several islands. There is aspen/white spruce forest on slopes and balsam poplar/wolf willow on terraces. There are also bedrock exposures and diverse riparian communities.

Land Use Framework Region Red Deer
Updated: Feb 26, 2024