Kananaskis Country

Alberta Parks


A Kananaskis Conservation Pass is required to park your vehicle in Kananaskis and the Bow Valley. Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

This short trail traverses the length of the Peninsula which separates the mouth of Smith-Dorrien Creek from the bay near Canyon Day Use area on Lower Kananaskis Lake. 

The west side of the peninsula is closed to fishing to protect Alberta Bull Trout which are a threatened species under the Alberta Wildlife Act. 

The Alberta Guide to Sportfishing Regulations defines this closed area as the portion north of a line drawn from the southernmost tip of the peninsula in NE 11-20-9-W5 due west to the point where the line intersects the shoreline of the lake (the northwest bay). 

Length 0.4 km
Elevation: 0 m
Summer hiking Hiking
Trail Map Spray Valley & Peter Lougheed Map (Geo Referenced)
Peter Lougheed PP - Winter Trails
Trail Report: Peter Lougheed
Trails: Peter Lougheed | Kananaskis Country | All Parks
Updated: Jun 15, 2024