Peter Lougheed Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Elkwood Campground

Information: 403-591-7226
A Kananaskis Conservation Pass is required to park your vehicle in Kananaskis and the Bow Valley. Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Elkwood Campground is in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, 50 km south of Hwy. 1 on Hwy. 40 and south on Kananaskis Lakes Trail. This large campground offers well-treed sites for RVs and tents, and has both unserviced and power/water options. There are many amenities and activities available here, including interpretive programs, a playground, showers, hiking trails, paved bike paths, and close access to the Kananaskis Lakes. 


Season: May 8 - Oct 12
Site Type Campsites Power Rate/Night Reservable Dates Current Status
Unserviced 61 - $31 May 8 - Oct 12 Seasonal Closure
Power/Water 69 / 30 $47 May 8 - Oct 12 Seasonal Closure

  • Reservations can be made 90 days in advance of arrival date.

Showers take $3.00 tokens (for a 5-minute shower); Visa & MasterCard accepted; on-site manager & caretaker; season dates subject to snow levels.


Bookings Open
February 8 True


Firewood available for purchase at Boulton Creek campground store and on site from campground attendants. 

  • Seasonal start-up - May 27 (Weather dependant)
  • Season shut down - September 12
Generator Use Policy

Learn about Accessible Camping in Alberta Parks

    Maps & Guides

    • Spray Valley & Peter Lougheed Map (Geo Referenced) Map, Kananaskis Country, Spary valley PP, Peter Lougheed PP, map Campground: Eau Claire, Lillian Lake Backcountry, Ribbon Falls Backcountry, Ribbon Lake Backcountry, Spray Lakes West, Rummel Lake Winter Backcountry,Boulton Creek, Canyon, Elkwood, Interlakes, Lower Lake, William Watson Lodge, Mount Sarrail Walk-in Tenting, Aster Lake Backcountry, Elbow Lake Backcountry, Forks Backcountry, Point Backcountry, Three Isle Lake Backcountry, Turbine Canyon Backcountry Group Use: Lower Lake, Pocaterra Walk-in Tenting Day Use: Buller Mountain, Driftwood, Galatea, Goat Creek, Mt. Shark, Opal, Sparrowhawk, Spray Lake, Wedge Pond, Black Prince, Boulton Bridge, Burstall Pass, Canyon, Chester Lake, Elbow Pass, Elk Pass, Elpoca, Grizzly Creek, Highwood Meadows, King Creek, Little Highwood Pass, Lower Lake, North Interlakes, Panorama, Peninsula, Pocaterra, Rock Glacier, Sawmill, Upper Lake, White Spruce, Elkwood Trailhead Trails: Banff, Galatea Creek, Mount Shark, Terrace South, Wedge Connector, Frozen Toad Loop Snowshoe, Rolly Road Training Grid, South Sawmill Loop, Tailwater Snowshoe, Torpor Loop, William Watson Lodge Connector -- 6702 False
    • Elkwood Campground Map Peter Lougheed PP, map, Elkwood Campground, Kananaskis Country -- 6702 False
    • Kananaskis Lakes Ski Trails Map Parks: Trail Map, Peter Lougheed PP, Kananaskis Country Trails: Amos, Braille, Lodgepole, Lower Lake Group, Sprude Road, William Watson Lodge Access, Boulton Creek, Come Along, Elk Pass, Fox creek, Hydroline, Lynx, Meadow, Moraine, Patterson, Pocaterra, Rolly Road, Sinclair, Tyrwhitt, Wheeler, Whiskey Jack, Woolley, Blueberry Hill, Lookout, Packers Facilities: Peter Lougheed Discovery Centre, William Watson Lodge, Elkwood, Lower Lake Group Camp, Boulton Bridge, Elk Pass, Upper Lake -- 6702 False
    • Winter Trails Map, Kananaskis, Peter Lougheed PP, Boulton Creek Trail, Elk Pass Cross-Country Ski Trail, Lodgepole / Wheeler / Lakeside Trail, Lookout Trail, Lower Lake Trail, Pocaterra Trail, Rolly Road Trail, Spruce Road Trail, Whiskey Jack Trail, Kananaskis Country Peninsula High Rockies (Winter) Penstock Loop Snowshoe Tailwater Snowshoe Lower Lake Snowshoe Marsh Loop Snowshoe William Watson Lodge Connector Snowshoe Elkwood Loop Snowshoe Frozen Toad Loop Snowshoe Torpor Loop Snowshoe Elk Pass Snowshoe Blueberry Hill Elk Pass Patterson Hydroline Lookout Lookout (Winter) Tyrwhitt Upper Lake Connector Fox Creek Moraine Boulton Creek Whiskey Jack, Whiskey Jack (Winter) Packers Lower Lake Group Camp Wheeler Amos Lynx Woolley Braille Lodgepole Pocaterra Come Along Sinclair Rolly Road WWL Winter Walking -- 6702 False
    • Regulations
    • Safe Boating Guide
    • Bear Smart
    • Living With Cougars

Updated: Dec 12, 2024