Beehive Natural Area

Alberta Parks

Information & Facilities

Information: 403-627-1165
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Location: 100 km southwest of Calgary


Hunting in Beehive Natural Area

More information: 403-388-1293

Learn about hunting in Alberta's parks system

*To be connected toll-free in Alberta, dial 310-0000 followed by the 10-digit phone number.

Park Management

Classification Natural Area
Legislation Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves, Natural Areas and Heritage Rangelands Act
Park Size 16,714.56 Acres / 6,764.14 Ha
Legal Boundary O.C. 416/98
Administration / Information 403-627-1165
Regional Office South Regional Office
District Pincher Creek
Natural Region Rocky Mountain - Alpine and Sub-alpine
Natural Region Description

This site contains diverse habitats - alluvial plains of the Oldman River, alpine tundra, cliffs and extensive old-growth spruce-fir forests believed to be more than 1,000 years old. There are also lodgepole pine forests, grasslands and moist herb meadows in the area. The region provides habitat for grizzly bears, summer range for elk and lambing sites for bighorn sheep. Beehive Natural Area is home to several rare and sensitive species including Canada lynx, peregrine falcon, golden eagle, common nighthawk, pileated woodpecker, yellow angelica, lance-leafed grape fern, Rocky Mountain willow herb and blunt-fruited sweet cicely.

Land Use Framework Region South Saskatchewan
Updated: Jun 12, 2023