Location: 15 km south of Whitecourt; approximately 170 km from Edmonton & 440 km from Calgary
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Classification | Natural Area |
Legislation | Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves, Natural Areas and Heritage Rangelands Act |
Park Size | 1,345.19 Acres / 544.40 Ha |
Legal Boundary | O.C. 519/95 |
Administration / Information | 780-960-8170 |
Regional Office | Central Regional Office |
District | Spruce Grove |
Natural Region |
Foothills - Lower Foothills |
Natural Region Description | This natural area contains plateau and steep slopes of Whitecourt Mountain. It's the regional topographic high point (1,200 m) and has scenic vistas. The site contains the headwaters of several small tributaries to the McLeod River. There are: stony terraces, slumps and seepage areas; white birch dominated by deciduous stands on plateau and upper slopes grading to aspen; some balsam poplar; small stands of white spruce-pine on slopes with some balsam fir; and small scattered shrublands and grassy openings on slopes. Most stands have an understory of Calamagrostis canadensis-oak fern-herbs. This area is a regional extension of the boreal cordilleran zone with associated species such as red elderberry, devil's club, western mountain ash and western meadow rue. There is good wildlife habitat, especially for ungulates. |
Land Use Framework Region | Upper Athabasca |