Classification | Wildland Provincial Park |
Legislation | Provincial Parks Act |
Park Size | 42,811.88 Acres / 17,325.54 Ha |
Legal Boundary | O.C. 324/02 |
Administration / Information | 780-865-8395 |
Regional Office | Central Regional Office |
District | Hinton |
Natural Region |
Rocky Mountain - Alpine and Sub-alpine |
Natural Region Description | Whitehorse Wildland Park is southeast of Hinton adjacent to Jasper National Park. Lodgepole pine, Englemann spruce and sub-alpine fir occur at lower elevations, with alpine meadows at higher elevations. The park preserves critical habitat for grizzly bear, bighorn sheep and harlequin ducks. Many rare alpine plants have been documented in the area, part of which is believed to have escaped glaciation during the last ice age. Cadomin Cave, located in the park, contains important bat habitat. There are reports of up to 30,000 bats visiting the cave annually. An estimated 1,000 little brown bats hibernate there and long legged, northern long-eared and long-eared bats have also been reported. |
Land Use Framework Region | Upper Athabasca |