Mesa Butte Provincial Recreation Area

Alberta Parks

Information & Facilities

Information: 403-678-0760
A Kananaskis Conservation Pass is required to park your vehicle in Kananaskis and the Bow Valley. Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Mesa Butte Equestrian Group campground is found in Mesa Butte Provincial Recreation Area, 20 km west of Millarville on Hwy. 549 and northwest on Range Road 50A. Hitching rails, corrals, and a loading ramp are available for registered campers. Hike, mountain bike, or horseback ride in the area.

Equestrian campgrounds are intended for campers bringing a horse. Please only book at an equestrian campground if you are using it for equestrian purposes as there are only a few campgrounds available to these users.

Location: 27 km south of Bragg Creek on Hwy. 762 & 7 km west on Hwy. 549

Advisories & Closures

    No Advisories


************************************************** ************************************************** No upcoming events at this time.

Maps & Guides

  • Elbow Valley Summer Trails Map Map, Kananaskis, Big Elbow Backcountry, Cobble Flats PRA, Dawson PRA, Elbow Falls PRA, Elbow River PRA, Elbow River Launch PRA, Elbow-Sheep WPP, Little Elbow PRA, McLean Creek PRA, Moose Mountain Trailhead PRA, Mount Romulus Backcountry, Tombstone Backcountry, West Bragg Creek PRA, Beaver Flats Interpretive Trail, Elbow Falls Interpretive Trail, Fullerton Loop Trail, Little Elbow Interpretive Trail, McLean Creek Interpretive Trail, Nihahi Ridge Trail, Paddy’s Flat Interpretive Trail, Tombstone Lake Trail, Riverview Trail, Big Elbow Trail, Diamond T Loop Trail, Ford Creek Trail, Ford Knoll Trail, Elbow Valley Trail, Little Elbow Trail, Moose Mountain Trail, Nihahi Creek Trail, Powderface Creek Trail, Powderface Ridge Trail, "Prairie Link Trail", Sulphur Springs Trail, Threepoint Mountain Trail, Tom Snow Trail, Trail Creek Trail, Wildhorse Trail, Crystal Line Trail, Elbow Trail, Hostel Loop Trail, Moose Loop Trail, Sundog Trail, Telephone Trail, Kananaskis Country, Map, River Cove Group, Paddys Flat Group, Cobble Flats Group, Little Elbow Equestrian, North Fork PRA, Mesa Butte PRA, Gooseberry PRA, Gooseberry Campground, Fisher Creek PRA,Peter Lougheed PP, Kananaskis Country,Elbow Lake Backcountry Campground Map, Parks: Ings Mine PRA Park Map Trails, Ing's Mine PRA Ings Mine Day Use -- 8898 False
  • Sheep Valley Trails Map Map, Kananaskis, Bluerock WPP, Don Getty WPP, Elbow-Sheep WPP, Little Elbow PRA, Mesa Butte PRA, Mist Creek PRA, Sheep River PP, Ware Creek PRA, Big Elbow Trail, Bluerock Creek Trail, Curley Sand Trail, Death Valley Trail, Elbow Pass Trail, Ford Creek Trail, Ford Knoll Trail, Gorge Creek Trail, Gorge Ware Connector Trail, Green Mountain Trail, Hog's Back Trail, Indian Oils Trail, Junction Mountain Trail, Little Elbow Trail, Long Prairie Ridge Trail, Meadow Trail, Mist Creek Trail, Nihahi Ridge Trail, North Fork Trail, Pine Ridge Trail, Powderface Ridge Trail, Price Camp Trail, Sheep Trail, South Gorge Creek Trail, Threepoint Creek Trail, Threepoint Mountain Trail, Tombstone Lakes Trail, Volcano Creek Trail, Volcano South/Link Trail, Ware Creek Trail, Whiskey Lake Trail, Wildhorse Trail, 9999 Trail, Tombstone Backcountry Campground, Mount Romulus Backcountry Campground, Big Elbow Backcountry Campground, Elbow Lake Backcountry Campground,, Kananaskis Country, Map, Bluerock Equestrian Campground, Sandy McNabb B, Sandy McNabb A, Sandy McNabb Equestrian Campground, Sandy McNabb Campground -- 8898 False
  • Regulations
  • Bear Smart
  • Living With Cougars
  • Snake Safety