Mist Creek Provincial Recreation Area

Alberta Parks

Mist Creek Day Use

Information: 403-678-0760
Season: Jun 15 - Nov 30
A Kananaskis Conservation Pass is required to park your vehicle in Kananaskis and the Bow Valley. Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

    Hwy. 40 west Peter Lougheed to Highwood House closed annually from Dec. 1 - June 14.


Maps & Guides

  • Highwood & Cataract Summer Trails Map Map, Kananaskis, Cat Creek PRA, Cataract Creek PRA, Etherington Creek PRA,Lantern Creek PRA, Mist Creek PRA, Sentinel PRA, Baril Loop Trail, Bear Pond Trail, Carnarvon Creek Trail, Cataract Trail, Cataract Falls Trail, Cataract Loop Trail, Cat Creek Interpretive Trail, Cummings Trail, Etherington Trail, Fallers Trail, Grass Pass Trail, Loggers Trail, Lost Creek Trail, Mist Creek Trail, Mount Burke Trail, Oyster Trail, Pasque Trail, Picklejar Lakes Trail, Plateau Mountain Trail, Raspberry Pass Trail, Skyline Trail, Upper Raspberry Trail, Valley Bottom Trail, Kananaskis Country, Map -- 16452 False
  • Sheep Valley Trails Map Map, Kananaskis, Bluerock WPP, Don Getty WPP, Elbow-Sheep WPP, Little Elbow PRA, Mesa Butte PRA, Mist Creek PRA, Sheep River PP, Ware Creek PRA, Big Elbow Trail, Bluerock Creek Trail, Curley Sand Trail, Death Valley Trail, Elbow Pass Trail, Ford Creek Trail, Ford Knoll Trail, Gorge Creek Trail, Gorge Ware Connector Trail, Green Mountain Trail, Hog's Back Trail, Indian Oils Trail, Junction Mountain Trail, Little Elbow Trail, Long Prairie Ridge Trail, Meadow Trail, Mist Creek Trail, Nihahi Ridge Trail, North Fork Trail, Pine Ridge Trail, Powderface Ridge Trail, Price Camp Trail, Sheep Trail, South Gorge Creek Trail, Threepoint Creek Trail, Threepoint Mountain Trail, Tombstone Lakes Trail, Volcano Creek Trail, Volcano South/Link Trail, Ware Creek Trail, Whiskey Lake Trail, Wildhorse Trail, 9999 Trail, Tombstone Backcountry Campground, Mount Romulus Backcountry Campground, Big Elbow Backcountry Campground, Elbow Lake Backcountry Campground,, Kananaskis Country, Map, Bluerock Equestrian Campground, Sandy McNabb B, Sandy McNabb A, Sandy McNabb Equestrian Campground, Sandy McNabb Campground -- 16452 False
  • Regulations
  • Bear Smart
  • Living With Cougars
Updated: Jun 1, 2023