Saskatoon Island Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Little Lake Trails

These interconnecting loops of the Little Lake Trails provide a scenic tour around the park. One trail loop winds down to Little Lake bird-viewing platform through a combination of aspen stands, saskatoon shrubs and an open meadow. Even during the cold winter months numerous bird species can be sighted. Another trail loop takes you to the east end of the park leading you through saskatoon shrubs which support populations of moose, deer, varying hare and other small mammals. An excellent view of Little Lake can be obtained while travelling on the loop through the southeast area of the park. Ski terrain is easy. Skiing the longer distances on some of the loops may be more suited to intermediate skiers. The Little Lake Loop and the Lakeshore Loop are wheelchair accessible.

Length 4.2 total km
Summer biking/cycling,e-bikes,hiking,skiing Biking/Cycling E-bikes Hiking
Winter XC Skiing
Trail Map
Trails: Saskatoon Island Provincial Park | All Parks
Updated: Jul 25, 2024