Location: 8 km northwest of Tofield
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Classification | Natural Area |
Legislation | Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves, Natural Areas and Heritage Rangelands Act |
Park Size | 637.77 Acres / 258.09 Ha |
Legal Boundary | O.C. 416/98 |
Administration / Information | albertaparks@gov.ab.ca |
Regional Office | Central Regional Office |
District | Camrose |
Natural Region |
Boreal Forest - Dry Mixedwood |
Natural Region Description | Aspen forests cover much of this natural area, with shrubby grassland found only on south-facing slopes. There are small rounded hills (called knobs), with numerous ponds and wetlands (called kettles) scattered throughout. Many of the kettles provide homes for beaver and nesting areas for ducks. This area is part of Cooking Lake Moraine. |
Land Use Framework Region | North Saskatchewan |