For Your Safety
- Leave an itinerary with a responsible person that details where you're going, your route, and when you will return.
- To report an emergency call 9-1-1.
- Report sightings of bears, cougars, wolves and problem wildlife to Kananaskis Emergency Services at 403-591-7755. To be connected toll-free in Alberta dial 310-0000 followed by the phone number. From a cell phone, dial the toll-free code (*310 for Roger's Wireless; #310 for Bell & Telus) followed by the phone number.
Be Prepared
- Research the route you plan to take
- Check local weather forecasts before you go. Be prepared for sudden changes in mountain weather. Snow is possible any month of the year.
- For current conditions on trails and potential wildlife concerns, check
- Leave all valuables at home. Vehicle break-ins do occur in Kananaskis.
In Case You Need to be Rescued...
Everyone who travels in the backcountry should be fully prepared. You should plan to self-rescue if possible. If not...
Calling for Help
- Dial 9-1-1 from a pay or cell phone - remember that cell phone coverage is limited in many locations throughout Kananaskis.
- Tell the dispatcher that you have an emergency in Kananaskis Country. The dispatcher will then transfer you to the Kananaskis Country Emergency Services Centre.
- With a satellite phone, dialing 9-1-1 may transfer you to an emergency centre unfamiliar with Kananaskis Country - if you're using a satellite phone, call the local emergency number instead (403-591-7767).
- Kananaskis Country Emergency Services Centre dispatch will ask you questions to better understand:
- the exact location of the emergency;
- the nature of the accident and the seriousness of any injuries;
- your name and call back number; and
- when the accident occurred.
Signalling a Helicopter
- On occasion, a helicopter may be used for backcountry rescue.
- Rescue staff in the helicopter are not able to communicate with people on the ground.
- It is imperative that you use standard visual signals to reduce confusion.
- Although dispatchers will coach you on how to make these signals, knowing them before you head into the backcountry is preferable.

- To reduce confusion when a helicopter approaches, the person on the ground with a satellite phone or cell phone should remain on the line with dispatch.