Crow Lake Ecological Reserve

Alberta Parks

Information & Facilities

Information: 780-743-7437

Location: 75 km northeast of Wandering River on the east side of Hwy. 63


Park Management

Classification Ecological Reserve
Legislation Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves, Natural Areas and Heritage Rangelands Act
Park Size 2,319.00 Acres / 938.47 Ha
Legal Boundary O.C. 433/87
Administration / Information 780-743-7437
Regional Office North Regional Office
District Lakeland
Natural Region Boreal Forest - Lower Boreal Highlands
Natural Region Description

This site is a complex mosaic of glacial land forms. On the reserve's west side are old-growth white spruce-balsam fir forests 140 years old.

Land Use Framework Region Lower Athabasca
Updated: Jun 8, 2023