Richardson Wildland Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Information & Facilities

Information: 780-743-7437
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Location: 160 km north of Ft. McMurray

Lower Athabasca Regional ​​​Plan (LARP) newly established area will enable Alberta to contribute to the largest contiguous boreal protected area in the world.


Hunting in Richardson Wildland Provincial Park

More information: 780-538-5350

Learn about hunting in Alberta's parks system

*To be connected toll-free in Alberta, dial 310-0000 followed by the 10-digit phone number.

Park Management

Classification Wildland Provincial Park
Legislation Provincial Parks Act
Park Size 771,137.00 Acres / 312,068.00 Ha
Legal Boundary O.C. 140/2018
Administration / Information 780-743-7437
Regional Office North Regional Office
District Fort McMurray
Natural Region Boreal Forest - Athabasca Plain
Boreal Forest - Peace Athabasca Delta
Natural Region Description

Richardson Wildland Park, located south of Lake Athabasca, is part of the largest sand dune complex in Canada. It protects the best of the paleo-longitudinal dunes. Formed soon after deglaciation by southeast winds, longitudinal dunes of this type, size and development are not recorded elsewhere. The park also contains paleo-parabolic dunes and riparian areas along the Athabasca River.

Land Use Framework Region Lower Athabasca
Updated: Nov 15, 2024