Don Getty Wildland Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Big Elbow Equestrian Backcountry Campground

Information: 1-877-537-2757
Lat: 50.72376841205882 Long: -114.85966444001468
A Kananaskis Conservation Pass is required to park your vehicle in Kananaskis and the Bow Valley.

This equestrian back country campground is found in Don Getty Wildland Provincial Park. The trail head to access this site is in Little Elbow Provincial Recreation Area, 32 km southwest of Bragg Creek on Hwy. 66 (closed Dec. - May). It is located approximately 8.3 km from the Little Elbow Campground on the east half of the Elbow Loop. There are fire pits (firewood provided), hitching rails, pit/vault toilets, and secure food storage containers.

This trail is 8.3km one way with approximately 170 metres of elevation gain and is rated moderate. 


Sites Rate / Person / Night Water Source Camping Season Current Status
5 $12 River May 15 - Nov 30 Seasonal Closure

* Big Elbow Equestrian Backcountry campground is in the East Kananaskis permit area.
* Reservations can be made 90 days in advance of arrival date.
* A maximum of 6 people and 1 tent is permitted on each site with some exceptions.


Updated: Dec 17, 2024