Sheep River Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Sandy McNabb A Group Use

Information: 403-678-0760
A Kananaskis Conservation Pass is required to park your vehicle in Kananaskis and the Bow Valley. Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Group Use

May 01 - Oct 12
Site Type Max Units Extra Unit Power Sites Power Rate Rate/Night 10 Units Reservations
Group Camping 15 $ 37 10 $8 $ 485 Book it
  • Reservations can be made 180 days in advance of arrival date.

Capacity based on 50-foot units, including tow vehicle. Shelter equipped with power plugs and lights. Power: 30 amp. Large grass activity field. Located close to regular campground - quiet time strictly enforced.


Currently Booking to
Aug 17, 2025

    Maps & Guides

    • Sheep River & Bluerock Map (Geo Referenced) Map, Kananaskis Country, Sheep River PP, Bluerock WPP, map, Campground: Bluerock, Bluerock Equestrian, Sandy McNabb, Sandy McNabb Equestrian, Threepoint Day Use: Big Horn, Gorge Creek, Indian Oils, Missing Link, Sandy McNabb, Sheep Falls, Junction Creek, Sandy McNabb Trailhead, Volcano Ridge Group Use: Sandy McNabb A, Sandy McNabb B Trails: Sandy McNabb Interpretive, Sheep -- 8850 False
    • Sheep Valley Trails Map Map, Kananaskis, Bluerock WPP, Don Getty WPP, Elbow-Sheep WPP, Little Elbow PRA, Mesa Butte PRA, Mist Creek PRA, Sheep River PP, Ware Creek PRA, Big Elbow Trail, Bluerock Creek Trail, Curley Sand Trail, Death Valley Trail, Elbow Pass Trail, Ford Creek Trail, Ford Knoll Trail, Gorge Creek Trail, Gorge Ware Connector Trail, Green Mountain Trail, Hog's Back Trail, Indian Oils Trail, Junction Mountain Trail, Little Elbow Trail, Long Prairie Ridge Trail, Meadow Trail, Mist Creek Trail, Nihahi Ridge Trail, North Fork Trail, Pine Ridge Trail, Powderface Ridge Trail, Price Camp Trail, Sheep Trail, South Gorge Creek Trail, Threepoint Creek Trail, Threepoint Mountain Trail, Tombstone Lakes Trail, Volcano Creek Trail, Volcano South/Link Trail, Ware Creek Trail, Whiskey Lake Trail, Wildhorse Trail, 9999 Trail, Tombstone Backcountry Campground, Mount Romulus Backcountry Campground, Big Elbow Backcountry Campground, Elbow Lake Backcountry Campground,, Kananaskis Country, Map, Bluerock Equestrian Campground, Sandy McNabb B, Sandy McNabb A, Sandy McNabb Equestrian Campground, Sandy McNabb Campground -- 8850 False
    • Regulations
    • Bear Smart
    • Living With Cougars


Updated: Dec 17, 2024