Pedal assist electric-powered bikes (e-bikes) are permitted on public roads in parks and on pathways and trails where cycling is permitted.
Permitted e-bikes are defined as non-throttled electric powered bicycles that provide up to 500 Watts of continuous maximum output. The electronic assist must stop when either pedaling stops or 32 km/h is reached. This is sometimes referred to as a class 1 e-bike.
Other types or classes of e-bikes are not permitted on designated cycling pathways and trails in provincial parks, provincial recreation areas, and wildland provincial parks.
What rules must e-bike riders follow?
E-bike riders must follow the same rules of the road as regular cyclists and other trail users (e.g. stay on designated trails, use of bells/horns, obey posted speed limits, and passing etiquette when riding up and down hills). While travelling on public roads, e-bikes must follow all posted traffic signs.
How can I find out where e-bikes are allowed?
Like cycling, e-biking is not available in all of Alberta’s parks. Before heading out to your favourite park, check out which trails are accessible by e-bikes and cycles and other information such as visitor facilities and trail maps. On, select “MTB/Cycling” or “e-bike” under summer activities in Find a Park to identify parks with cycling opportunities.
Are other types of electric-powered recreation equipment allowed on designated biking pathways and trails in provincial parks, provincial recreation areas, and wildland provincial parks?
No. The appropriate use of other electric powered equipment in provincial parks, such as e-scooters, e-skateboards, and segways is an emerging and unique activity area that requires further assessment to ensure compatibility and safety. For the safety and enjoyment of all visitors, Alberta Parks seeks to ensure appropriate understanding of the safety risks, and visitor impacts prior to permitting new activities in within parks. For any questions, please Contact Us.