Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Provincial Recreation Area

Alberta Parks

Blackfoot West (from Waskehegan Staging to Round Up trail)

Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Blackfoot Trail is the longest equestrian trail in Cooking Lake-Blackfoot and in summer, can connect you through to Blackfoot Staging Area.  This leg of the Blackfoot trail runs mainly along the park fence line, bordering Elk Island National Park.

  • The section of Blackfoot trail that runs between Waskehegan Staging Area and the north boundary fence has a very steep dip with side angle.  This is NOT recommended for wagons or sleighs.  Watch for signs indicating steep hill.  Take Boundary trail instead.

Northwest corner of Blackfoot trail (known as J.J. trail) is closed due to beaver activity, flooding and major damage to bridge.  Impassible.

NOW Open to Wagons and Sleighs  

Length 13.6 km
Summer hiking,hiking (winter),horseback riding,horseback riding (winter),snowshoeing,trail running Hiking Horseback Riding Trail Running
Winter Hiking (Winter) Horseback Riding (Winter) Snowshoeing
Trail Map
Trails: Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Provincial Recreation Area | All Parks
Updated: Feb 5, 2025